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Migrate to Kubernetes

In September / October 2021, was migrated from being hosted on a legacy Emergence VM ( at DigitalOcean to the cfp-live-cluster hosted at Linode.


  1. Configure KUBECONFIG to access cfp-live-cluster:

    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/cfp-live-cluster-kubeconfig.yaml
  2. Find production Pod and store name in shell variable:

    pod_name=$(kubectl -n code-for-philly get pod \
        -l \
        -l \
        --field-selector=status.phase==Running \
        -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
  3. Get authenticated SQL dump url from and store in a shell variable:

  4. Load database into Kubernetes host:

    kubectl -n code-for-philly exec "${pod_name}" -- \
        hab pkg exec codeforphilly/site-composite \
            bash -c \
                "curl '${sql_url}' | mysql"
  5. Install rsync and openssh into running Kubernetes host:

    kubectl -n code-for-philly exec "${pod_name}" -- \
        hab pkg install --binlink --force core/rsync core/openssh
  6. Copy SSH key into Kubernetes host that can connect to legacy VM:

    kubectl -n code-for-philly cp .scratch/id_rsa "${pod_name}:/root/"
  7. User rsync to synchronize data files from legacy VM to Kubernetes host:

    kubectl -n code-for-philly exec "${pod_name}" -- \
        rsync \
            -e 'ssh -i /root/id_rsa -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"' \
            -av \
            --chown hab:hab \
            --exclude '*.log' \
            --exclude 'git/' \
            --exclude 'media/*x*/' \
            '' \