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Clone Laddr from git

This guide is for developers who want to work on Laddr’s core code. It will walk you through setting up a fresh site instance and cloning a version of Laddr into it from a remote git repository.

Step 1: Obtain an emergence host

You will need a host server dedicated to running emergence. If you don’t have access to one already, the easiest way to get started is to spin up a small Ubuntu 16.04 LTS virtual machine with a cloud provider like Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Compute, AWS, or countless others. Once you are logged in to your fresh Ubuntu 16.04 machine, follow emergence’s installation guide to prepare it for hosting emergence-powered sites like Laddr.

Alternatively, if you’re familiar with Docker, you can spin up an emergence container:

docker run -d \
    -it \
    --name emergence \
    -v /emergence:/emergence \
    -p \
    -p \
    -p \
    jarvus/emergence \
    tmux new -s emergence emergence-kernel

Step 2: Create a site for your laddr development instance

Laddr is based on emergence’s skeleton-v2 site template. Unlike when provising a deployment instance of Laddr, for development you want to create a site extending Laddr’s parent site like Laddr does rather than Laddr itself. Laddr’s code will be cloned from git and applied on top of the parent site.

Use emergence’s host control panel to create a new site with your desired hostname and initial user, just be sure to select as the parent hostname. After the site is created login to /develop with your initial user developer account.

Step 3: Configure mapping to the laddr git repository

To configure a link between your emergence instance and a git repository, create a new file at php-config/Git.config.d/laddr.php and copy its initial contents from the the file at the same path in Laddr’s develop branch on Github.

Optionally, edit the remote option to point at your own fork, and switch it to the SSH protocol if you’d like to be able to push changes from the web UI.

Step 4: Initialize git repository

Visit /site-admin/sources to initialize the configured git repository. If you switch the remote to an SSH git URL before initializing, a deploy key will be generated for you that you can install on GitHub before continueing to enable web-based read/write access. Otherwise, if you are cloning via HTTPS, you will need to SSH into the server and use the git CLI to push changes after initializing the repository.

Step 5: Pull code from git

Visit /site-admin/sources/laddr and click Pull if needed to pull the latest commits from github into your git working copy. Then click the Sync -> Update emergence VFS button to import the git working tree copy into your emergence instance.

Next steps

If you run into any trouble, need to reconfigure the repository, or execute any advanced maneuvers, use emergence-git-shell my-instance-name laddr on your host machine to drop into a properly-configured git shell where you can make full use of the git CLI client without any permissions issues.