noms | module:

Install Noms

Goals (Learning Objectives)

After doing this tutorial you will know how to


These steps roughly follow the Setup instructions on the Noms README.

Step 1: Download the latest build

  1. Use your web browser to go to
  2. Click the “download the latest Noms build” link.
  3. On this page, there are directories for several different Noms versions. Pick the highest-numbered one.
  4. Download the .tar.gz file for your architecture (Mac OS X is “darwin”).

Step 2: Make a noms directory

  1. Create a directory within your homedir called “lib”, and one inside that called “noms”. (You can do that with mkdir -p ~/lib/noms ).

Step 3: Extract the tar file

  1. Move the downloaded .tar.gz file into the ~/lib/noms directory.
  2. Extract the .tar.gz file: tar -xvzf noms-*.tar.gz

Step 4: Add Noms to your Executable Path

  1. Make a “bin” directory in your homedir: mkdir -p ~/bin
  2. Move into your new bin directory ( cd ~/bin ).
  3. We’re going to create “symlinks” from the noms executables that you extracted from the .tar.gz file into this bin directory. The following code snippet assumes you are using Bash, which you can check by doing echo $SHELL on the command line. Provided that you see bash as the response, you’re all set to do run the following two lines on your command line:

    for f in ~/lib/noms/*; do ln -s $f .; done rm ./noms-*.tar.gz

  4. Run pwd and take note of the response. This tells you the full path of your homedir bin directory. For example, mine is /Users/jadrian/bin, but yours will be different.
  5. Check whether this directory is in your path. Do echo $PATH and you should see a list of directory paths separated by colons. Look for your bin directory; for example, I’m looking for /Users/jadrian/bin.
  6. If you don’t see the homdir bin directory in your path, you need to add it by editing your .bashrc or .bash_profile file. Open either of those files in your text editor and add the following line somewhere:

    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

    Then save the file and go back to your command line.

  7. Run env bash to restart your shell and then echo $PATH again. You should see your homedir bin directory near the beginning of the list now.
  8. Go to your home directory and run which noms; you should see the path to the Noms executable in your bin directory. Then run noms and you should get a help message. This means Noms is installed!

Next Steps

Go back to the Intro to Noms workshop and proceed to the next step.