Operations: Deploy with Chef Habitat

CHIME can be quickly deployed to any Linux system with Chef Habitat:

hab svc load codeforphilly/chime

This will download the latest CHIME build from bldr.habitat.sh and start it as a service, serving the interface on the default port of 8000

Enable HTTPS access

Providing HTTPS access can be easily done by making use of Caddy and its built-in automatic HTTPS.

First, start the jarvus/caddy-proxy service with your CHIME service instance bound to the backend slot:

hab svc load jarvus/caddy-proxy --bind backend:chime.default

This will open an HTTP interface on port 80 that proxies to the CHIME service on port 8000.

To enable the HTTPS interface, configure an email address and at least one publicly-resolvable hostname so that Caddy can use Let's Encrypt to automatically obtain a free SSL certificate:

mkdir -p /hab/user/caddy-proxy/config

# use the editor of your choice:
vim /hab/user/caddy-proxy/config/user.toml
hostnames = [

email = "hello@example.org"

After you save user.toml, the Habitat supervisor will automatically detect the change and apply it. CHIME should now be available via HTTPS, with the HTTP port automatically redirecting.

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